There’s an old saying: don’t judge a book by its cover, and most of us can understand what it means. When it comes to books, movies and most of all, video games, we draw our own conclusions.
It is hard not to look at the front cover and wonder how good could the game be, as well trying to admire and find out how it would feel to play and enjoy it.
And since good art is always appreciated, it’s time to take a look at some incredibly well-made covers that has stood the test of time.
In this post we take a closer look at the most memorable cover artworks of two of the very best games out there.
System Shock 2

One of the main things that made the cover of System Shock 2 excellent, is its simplicity which is incredible. Just the picture of the main antagonist in the game staring directly to the players eyes, is amazing.
A cover that became iconic for the genre of sci-fi horror, and a game that is still great no matter how many years have passed.
Half Life 2
Another sequel to a game that not only improved its gameplay and story, but as well the art statement is the magnificent front cover of this game, featuring the face of our protagonist, Gordon Freeman, and his intense stare we won’t ever forget.
Thanks to the thrilling gaming experience, incredible graphics and unforgettable cover artwork, it became one of the most memorable games for PC.
There’s no doubt, when it comes to creativity, these covers are a modern art treasure. They also serve as a form of nostalgia when looking back at the good time you had while playing these magnificent games.